Rotuliana chondropathy
Also called chondromalacia patella, it is a pathology of the articular cartilage of the patella that quite often affects young athletes and can sometimes be very invalidating because of the pain it causes.
Our collaborator Healting, tells us on this occasion the causes and solutions for this frequent pathology.
What is Rotulian Chondropathy?
Is the degeneration or softening of the cartilage that covers the back face of the patella. Causes pain in the anterior aspect of the knee and around the patella and can sometimes cause the famous femoropatellar syndrome.
There are 4 degrees of chondropathy according to the extent and severity of the affectation.
- Muscular imbalances between vast external and internal quadriceps.
- Repetitive movements that cause excessive compression and friction of the cartilage.
- Defects in the alignment of the patella with respect to the femur and the tibia, that is to say, patella displaced generally towards the external part of the articulation.
- Frequent injuries in the knee.
Habitually it is a pathology that causes pain, although on many occasions there is no proportionality between the affectation and the symptomatology, that is, in patients with a small cartilage degeneration there may be important symptoms and in patients with very worn cartilage there is hardly any pain.
The pain especially appears after sitting for a long time (for example after going to the movies or a long car trip), when going up and down stairs or slopes, squatting position etc.
In some cases swelling may appear and also it is common the existence of joint crunches or friction sensation when flexing and stretching the leg.
Physiotherapy treatment
In a first phase or acute phase, the goal of treatment It will eliminate pain and possible inflammation for which we will rely on techniques such as manual therapy, use of Game Ready (cryotherapy + pressotherapy), laser, diathermy, kinesiotaping and vacusport.
1 image: Exercises with Imoove platform for the improvement of balance, proprioception and muscle tone
In the subacute phase we will seek to align the joint, balance the musculature, reeducate and enhance. In order to achieve these objectives, it is very important to study each patient individually and establish their morphology, causes of their chondropathy and thus guide the specific treatment measures in each case.
The means that we use in Healthing in this second phase are electrostimulation with Compex, proprioception work with the Imoove platform and Human Tecar Sinergy Mat and re-education with Redcord Neurac therapy.
2 image: I work with Compex Wireless for quadriceps strengthening.
More information
Healthing, Calle Serrano, 61. 4th floor - 28006 (Madrid)