Volcano Triathlon
Cycling news

The 7,5% of accidents in Spain have a cyclist involved

Of each 100 accidents where a cyclist is involved, 10 of them are seriously injured in need of hospitalization or die.

This percentage supposes 7.673 accidents throughout Spain, where the most common accident with a cyclist is the lateral or frontolateral collision with an 24% of casualties

We echo the news published by the newspaper ABC where this sad reality counts. It is estimated that 3,8 million citizens or one in ten uses the bike daily or almost daily, a figure that is increasing. The presence of motorcyclists and cyclists on the roads, especially at weekends and especially in the spring and summer months, is becoming more and more important, generating at the same time a greater number of dangerous situations.

Although the greater number of traffic accidents with bicycle-user victims occurs on urban roadsis in the interurban and where lesividad is greater and where the greater number of deceased.

As a general rule, cyclists, like pedestrians, because they are most vulnerable users, have priority over motorized vehicles. Still, it is worth reviewing the regulations of the DGT to avoid deadly accidents as much as possible.

Thus, cyclists have priority of passage over motor vehicles, when, traveling in a group, the former has already started the crossing or has entered a roundabout. That is, when cyclists circulate in a group they are considered as a single mobile unit for the purposes of priority of passage.

According to the latest data from the DGT that the Professional Association of Road Safety Training Companies has learned(Formaster)In 2016 7,5% of Traffic accidents involved a cyclist, which meant 7.673 accidents throughout Spain.

But not only these data concern Formaster but also the increase in the mortality of cyclists in Spanish roads. In 2016 there were 67 cyclists who died in a traffic accident, 3,7% of all those who died in Spain. An alarming fact if we add it to the fact that in recent years deceased cyclists have been increasing. In the last 5 years, the mortality of cyclists on the roads has increased by 36,7%.

Regarding serious wounded who needed hospitalization, the 7,5% of them, some 736, were cyclists. Another data that has increased by an 25% in the last 5 years.

 Of each 100 accidents where a cyclist is involved, 10 of them are seriously injured in need of hospitalization or die.

The most common accident in which a cyclist is involved is the lateral or frontolateral collision with an 24% of the accidents followed by the reach or rear collision by not reducing the car's speed nor save the appropriate safety distance with an 14% of claims. And the third accident is the exit of the cyclist's way with an 11% of the claims.

On the part of the cyclists we must also talk about thenfracciones that cyclists commit and that entail an accidenttea. The most common infraction, with an 4,6%, on the road is do not keep the safety distance followed by not respecting it priority in a crossing, with an 2,5% and the third the invade the opposite lane.

If we talk about the infractions of cyclists in urban roads we have to talk about 5% of infractions by not respect the priority at the crossings and of circulate in the opposite direction with an 4,8%. To which we must add that the Cyclist helmet use It is increasingly common on interurban roads, which is mandatory, with 82% but it drops to 28% in the case of cyclists on urban roads. This is because it is increasingly common in large cities to use rental bikes to improve the efficient mobility of citizens. T

also remember that children under 16 years must wear a helmet in any way.


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