Sam Laidlow's emotional journey  

The young Frenchman, Sam Laidlow At just 24 years old, he won the title of IRONMAN world champion in Nice, made history this year by becoming the youngest champion, surpassing the record set by American Scott Tinley in 1982.

However, behind this monumental triumph, Laidlow faces a personal battle that transcends physical limits: the search for a new purpose and meaning in his life.

In the video published on his YouTube channel called WORLDS FASTEST TRI-SUIT + Post World Champs Depression, Sam He stated that, throughout his life, he always knew that he wanted to be an Ironman world champion, but now he is in a moment where he does not know what his next goal should be.

This uncertainty has led him to question his motivation and the purpose of his sporting career.

""Now I don't know where I want to go, I don't know what I'm going to do with my life.", Laidlow confesses, expressing the uncertainty and emptiness that often follows an achievement of such magnitude. This message is a reminder that even athletes at the peak of their career face emotional and existential dilemmas.

Laidlow, who just turned 25, also has felt the media pressure and the commitments inherent to his new status as world champion. “I have so many requests, I move so much... that I am in very low shape compared to where I was on September 10", Explain.

Sam admitted that, having achieved his dream of becoming an IRONMAN world champion, he feels lost without a clear goal.

Before, his motivation was driven by a desire to help his family and young athletes, but now he finds himself at a crossroads where he needs to discover what truly motivates him.

This candid testimony from Sam reflects the complexity of the life of an elite athlete and how even champions face emotional and existential challenges.

His story reminds us that, beyond victories in sports, we all strive to find a deeper purpose in life.

Despite these challenges, Laidlow's thoughts are already on Hawaii, host of the men's World Cup in 2024. However, he wants to change his mentality when it comes to setting goals.

"ItThe project of winning Hawaii is viable, but I need to know what I'm going to do next“he points out, highlighting the importance of setting goals that go beyond immediate achievements.

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