The Top 5 Triarmada in the Sunderland mixed relay

In an exciting competition of mixed relay at the Sunderland World Series, the Spanish triathlon team, known as the Triarmada, achieved a great fifth position.

Despite a 10-second penalty, the Spanish team, made up of Sergio Baxter, Miriam Casillas, Antonio Serrat y Noelia Juan, completed the best race of the season.

Competition details

The test was held in very pleasant conditions, with cloudy skies and a temperature of 22 degrees.

The relays consisted of 300m swim, 7,7km bike and 1,7km run segments.

Sergio Baxter he was the first to compete for Spain, starting 13th in the swimming segment, just 7 seconds off the leader.

In the cycling segment, a group of 15 teams was formed that definitively left Brazil, Japan, Belgium and the Netherlands out of the fight. Baxter handed over the baton in 8th position, 6 seconds off the lead.

Miriam Casillas took the second relay for Spain. In the cycling segment, he actively collaborated in the formation of a breakaway that left Germany and Australia out of the fight.

 However, Casillas suffered a penalty for missing the dismounting line by about 20 meters.

The third relay was for Antonio Serrat, who kept Spain in 8th position, 10 seconds behind the leader at the end of the cycling segment.

Finally, Noelia Juan took the final relay, holding fifth position in the swimming segment.

Competition Results

The French team took gold at Sunderland, with the Spanish team achieving a great fifth place, despite the penalty.

Job title Team Final time
1 Team I France 01:26:53
2 Team I Great Britain 01:27:16
3 Team I Norway 01:27:27
4 Team I New Zealand 01:27:42
5 Team I Spain 01:28:17
6 Team I Switzerland 01:28:25
7 Team I Portugal 01:28:31
8 Team I United States 01:29:17
9 Team I Germany 01:30:01
10 Team I Hungary 01:30:06

 This performance is the best of the Spanish team in recent times.

There are no previous results.

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