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Triathlon News

Last days to register for the Villa de Madrid Duathlon

A unique opportunity to compete for the center of Madrid.

A new edition of one of the legendary duathlons of calendar madrileño, the  Duathlon Villa of Madrid  is about to be disputed.

This next  3 March 2024 Sunday, the Plaza de Colón will host hundreds of athletes who will experience a competition running through some of the main streets of Madrid.

Registration Closing

If you want to participate in the test you will have to hurry, since the registration period ends at 22:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 28.

More information on Official Site 


The duathlon offers two main distances: the Sprint, with a first 5 km running segment, followed by 20,8 km cycling and a final 2,5 km run; and the standard distance (10-40-5), which begins with 10 km on foot, continues with 41,4 km on bike and culminates with a 5 km run.

Both tests allow drafting, and specific criteria are established for the bikes allowed in each category.

Wide Participation

The event is open to federated and non-federated athletes, from the Youth category in Sprint to the Junior category in the 10/40/5 distance.

Furthermore, the relay mode offers an opportunity to compete in teams of two.

Awards and Honours

The first classified in the general, age and relay categories will receive trophies and medals, ensuring recognition worthy of their effort and dedication.

Madrid: A Destination that Combines Sports and Culture

Aside from the competition, Madrid has a rich cultural, gastronomic and leisure offer, which makes it perfect for combining the passion for sport with the enjoyment of its countless tourist attractions.


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