Triathlon News
FETRI changes for Spanish Championships

Between the novelties they are the creation of the Championship of Spain Duathlon long distance and the Championship of Spain of Duathlon by relays.
La Spanish Federation of Triathlon has just announced a series of changes that will affect the celebration of the different Championships of Spain 2014 during season.
On August 30, the board of directors of the federation made the decision to approve a series of modifications related to the different categories of the Spanish championships that we expose below:
- The Spanish Acuatlon Championship is added to the Spanish Sprint Distance Triathlon Championship.
- The Copa del Rey and the Spanish Triathlon Championships will take place at the same venue, on the same weekend, with the aim of facilitating the participation of the clubs in both competitions.
- The same will happen with the Spanish Championship of Duathlon Time Trial, which will be held next to the new championship: the Spanish Duathlon Championship by relays.
- A new regulation for the National League of Clubs is created (for example, as a novelty, the participating clubs in the first division and also in the second division are extended to 15). The number of participating clubs in Promotion is also being reviewed.
- The Spanish Duathlon Championship will be done in sprint distance for Elite, and in GE, it will be possible to choose sprint or short distance.
- There will be a Spanish Long Distance Duathlon Championship.
- Sprint distance for GE will be included in the Spanish Crosthiath Triathlon and Duathlon Cros Championship