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José Hidalgo, President of FETRI Wrapped in a political scandal?

After a difficult electoral period, yesterday, information on alleged implications of the president of the FETRI in a diversion of funds in his previous mandate.



In the following links you can see the information:




In response to these accusations, José Hidalgo This communication has been sent to us:


With the aim of clarifying the tricks made in the last hours by the PP spokesperson about me, I want to clarify with data and documentation the malicious information that has been spilled by this lady; having placed in the hands of my lawyers all the data and documents that I consider in the defense of my honor and interests so that once studied by them we proceed to take the legal actions that they advise us to address.


In defense of the truth, I wish to state the following in relation to the ownership of the company to which we are referring:

  • The company HICA is constituted in 2.005 with Doña Maria Angeles Romero, Maria Angeles Calderon and Carmen Diaz (my wife). This is what I suppose is that it appears in the mercantile registry and the untested and erroneous data that is handled in order to manipulate the information.
  • The 26 of December of 2006 the participations of Mrs. Carmen Diaz, are sold to Doña Maria Rosa Hidalgo (my sister) attached document scanned of public writing before the notary Maria del Pilar Carrascal Peñuela that accredits this data of the sale of the shares.
  • The 21 of October of 2.008 the actions of Doña Maria Rosa Hidalgo, are sold to Don Jesus Maria Risueño (with whom I do not join any type of relation), attached scanned document of public writing before the notary Don Carlos del Solar Barroso, who accredits this data of the sale of shares.
  • That much later than this is constituted the Youth and Sports Foundation with date 3 of March of 2009 and this same day I am appointed Director of the same.

Therefore, when the 3 March 2.009 Foundation is created, no one in my environment has had any type of shareholding or participation in the aforementioned company for a long time.

 With all this I intend to clarify in a clear and forceful way the slanders that have been poured on me in these last hours. And of course I reserve once I have heard from my lawyers to undertake any type of legal action against the people who are handling this data.

Jose Hidalgo Martin


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