Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

The second edition of the Trystrong Ball of the World will take place next July 5 and 6 with two distances

Last year a very special event was held in the Sierra Madrileña with the dispute of a triathlon that climbed to the ball of the world, top of the stage of the return to Spain with percentages of increase of more than 20%.


This is a triathlon to enjoy it from the beginning, due to the hardness and the magnificent landscapes as it runs. The TrySrtong Ball of the World can become your challenge for the 2014.

There are two distances the first and the hardest will be the Long Triathlon with 1900 meters of swimming, 90 km of bike and 20 km of mountain trail that will take place on Saturday, July 5.

However there is also a more affordable distance with the Short Triathlon, on Sunday 6 of July, where the triathletes will face 1500 meters of swimming followed by 27 km of cycling finishing the race with 10 km of mountain trail 

This is the video of the first edition:


Further information:  http://www.triatlonboladelmundo.com/

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