Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Everything in point for the first edition of the Riaño MD Triathlon

This coming Saturday 12 of July will celebrate the first edition of the Riaño MD triathlon where 120 triathletes will participate in this test



A spectacular setting to host this event that will have a circuit WITHOUT DRAFTING of 1,9 km of swimming, 90 km of totally flat cycling to finish with 21 km of running race. Gorka Bizakarra y Beatriz Tenereiro they start as favorites to raise with this first edition ..


The refreshments of the test will be offered by the nutrition brand and sponsor of the test Victory Endurance. Also Taymory will offer all participants with a commemorative cycling jersey of the 1º edition.


On the other hand, the race will have official cars Renault Capture through Leomotor. This vehicle is First Croosover manufactured in Spain, more specifically in Castilla y León


The countdown has already begun so that all triathletes can enjoy this young test, which was born with the objective of conducting a family triathlon with a great atmosphere and which is expected to become a benchmark in the area in future editions.


More information: http://www.triatloncastillayleon.com/node/1100


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