Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

The next 7 of September Guadalajara celebrates its XXVIII edition

The city of Guadalajara will celebrate the 28 number edition of the oldest triathlon in Spain.


Gustavo Rodríguez current runner-up in Spain of Media Distancia y Estefanía Gómez, winner of the 2012 edition, will leave as favorites. Jose Almagro, Eva Valero and Arrate Mintegui, among others, They will also leave as favorites to the podium.



More than 300 participants will meet at 13:30 where they will start at the Couple's Azud to cover the 1900 meters of swimming.


Right after, the triathletes will complete a 89-kilometer route that runs from Pareja, passing through Sacedón, Auñón, Alhondiga, Fuentelencina, Moratilla de los Meleros, Fuentelviejo, Lupiana, ending in the city of Guadalajara, where the participants will put on their slippers to cover the final 20 kilometres on a circuit that runs entirely through the streets of the Alcarreña capital.


This event will also have a supportive challenge from Alberto Sacristan, who will compete in this test with the sole objective of raising funds for the association of Willians Syndrome. More information: http://desafiokissfm.blogspot.com.es/ y http://www.sindromewilliams.org/


More information about the test: http://www.triatlondeguadalajara.es/guadalajara/2013/

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