Zalakain and Gaztañaga Spanish Champions of Winter Triathlon
This Saturday has been disputed Spanish Winter Triathlon Championship in the framework of the XXVII Reinosa-Alto Campoo Reinosa White Triathlon. In elite, Egoitz Zalakaín y Maider Gaztañaga they rose with the triumph in masculine and feminine category in a day marked by the harsh meteorological conditions.
Near 200 triathletes gathered in the Cantabrian town to participate in a meeting that began from the 11: 00 morning with departures in elite, junior, age groups and Paralympic triathletes categories. Throughout the initial 10 km of running, the rain accompanied the triathletes in their journey through the streets of Reinosa.
In the men's category, Iván Cáceres, Carlos Aznar and Egoitz Zalakain were the first to enter the first transition, to then face the 24 km cyclist segment. In this section, the triathletes suffered the inclemencies of the weather, which made difficult the ascent to the Station of Alto Campoo.
Zalakain, Cáceres and Aznar entered the T2 with a margin of almost two minutes over the champion of the last editions, Jon Erguin. However, Aznar (triathlete of the Rivas devil) retired in this sector; in which Erguin (Trigoi TT) would emphasize going up to the second final position. Behind, Sebastia Catllá (PC Bonavista) would get the third place.
In the female category, Maider Gaztañaga became the great reference, demonstrating great physical power throughout the entire competition; that finally would elevate her to the top of the podium. After the abandonment by Inma Pereiro's injury in the running sector, the Tolosaldeko TT triathlete would be extending her advantage; especially during the course of the cross-country skiing circuit, which was developed in the area of the station, consisting of three laps of 2.6 km, plus a link section of 600 m.
Finally, Gaztañaga was proclaimed champion of Spain of the modality with a comfortable advantage. Behind, the winner in 2013, Ana Casares (AC Triathlon) came in second place and Triathlon Club triathlete Berga, Alba Xandri, signed the third position.
In the modality of paratriathlon, Jesús Noriega of the CD Triathlon Sierra Norte, won the title of champion of Spain in the Tri-4 category; while Juan Luis de Andrés (independent) achieved the second position.
Photos: PhotoDeporte Manu