Brais Canosa and Eva Ledesma winners in the Banyoles Triathlon
Last Saturday, the various tests of the Qualification for the Spanish Triathlon Championship in the Girona municipality of Banyoles were held. On the afternoon, the first to jump into the water at the 19: 00 hours were the boys in the male elite category.
Shortly after, it was the turn for the female elite. All of them faced a first segment of 750 m swimming by the lake of the town of Banyoles. They then made six laps of 6,6 km each for the cycling circuit to finally complete them remaining 5 km of running.
In the male elite category, Brais Canosa was crowned for the second consecutive year as the winner of the event. The triathlete of the Inforhouse Santiago put in front in the course of the cycle section and entered the last segment marking a strong pace that gave him a comfortable advantage on the way to the finish line. In second place, came Xavier Torrades Sabata, from CN Reus Ploms, while the third place fell to Roger Serrano Salgado, from CERRR Igualada.
For its part, in the female category Eva Ledesma, from the Big Dutchman club, climbed to the top of the podium. The Lleida was accompanied by Judit Saizar Ardanuy, from Saltoki Trikideak and Núria Pubill Lleonart, from CTSJ Abadesas, second and third respectively.
Throughout the day, numerous tests of age groups have also been contested. All of them have had a great participation in an intense day.
Elite Men's Classification:
1 Brais Canosa 00: 56: 10
2 XavTorrades 00: 56: 18
3 Roger Serrano 00: 56: 22
4 Rodrigo Torres 00: 56: 24
5 Iñaki Baldellou 00: 56: 34
Elite Women's Qualification:
1 Eva Ledesma 01: 05: 29
2 Judit Saizar 01: 06: 39
3 Nuria Pubill 01: 06: 58
4 Sara Loehr 01: 07: 55
5 Anabel Thanks 01: 08: 01
All the results in: