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The Triathlon World Cup will have an economic impact in Vitoria of 1,2 million on Vitoria

The celebration on June 29 of the Long Distance Triathlon World Championship will have a minimum economic impact in Vitoria of 1,2 million euros.

This information has been provided by the mayor of the city, Javier Maroto, after signing with the president of the Basque Triathlon Federation, Agustín Méndez, Collaboration agreement for the organization and development of this event.

Maroto explained that the quantification of this minimal economic impact does not take into account the international publicity that the city will get, so that "the investment you will make is more than returned."

The test counts at the moment with more than a thousand registrants who will arrive in Vitoria from 30 countries to compete on June 29, the day that at least the 120 volunteers registered so far will work.

The distances of the test are 4 kilometers of swimming, 120 of cycling and another 30 of running on foot, which will pass through the city center several times.

Source: elmundo.es

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