Volcano Triathlon

María Pujol signs for the ADSevilla Zambru's Bike

The triathlon team of the Association of Athletes of Seville (ADSevilla Zambru's Bike) continues to reinforce its ranks with some real luxury signings. María Pujol returns to the club where she began her sports career and joins other great Andalusian figures such as the duathlon champion of Spain Emilio Martín or the best Andalusian triathlete currently, Samer Ali Saad. The signing of Maria Pujol is another new leap in quality for ADSevilla Zambru's Bike, whose men's team finished sixth on Sunday in the last National League of Clubs, achieving permanence in the top category of Spanish triathlon for the third consecutive year.

The Sevillian María Pujol, among other great achievements, has been 3rd in the 2007 European Cup in Turkey, 3rd in the 2009 America's Cup in Ferrol, 13th in the 2009 Triathlon World Cup in Hungary, 14th in the European Championship Elite Triathlon 2009 in the Netherlands and 26th in the Final World Championship Series 2009 in Australia. At the national level, her victories are uncountable, standing out as Spanish Sprint Triathlon Champion y Spanish Cross Triathlon Champion.

"I am extremely satisfied to defend the colors of ADSevilla Zambru's Bike, the club with which I entered the world of triathlon and with which I discovered how fun and exciting this sport is. I think that from those years until now I have matured a lot, I am a triathlete much more complete and with a lot of experience already. I hope to recover well from the injuries I've had this year and bring many successes and triumphs to my team, "said Pujol after signing his signing with Manolo Solís, president of ADSevilla in the bike shop Zambru's Bike in Bormujos (Seville), official sponsor of the club's triathlon section.

Pujol joins other great triathletes who play in ADSevilla Zambru's Bike as Samer Ali Saad, Emilio Martín, Jonathán Roldán, Carlos Martínez, David Guzmán, Rafael Álvarez, Eduardo Moreno, Emilio Eugenio Jiménez, Alejandro Campoy, Pedro Javier Ortega, David Zamora, José Luis Angorilla, Sergio Cruz, Salvador Gil, David Callejón, Francisco Javier Macías, Miguel Ángel Hidalgo and Rafael Perianes, as well as the veteran champion Jesús Borrego and the Olympic triathlete José María Merchán, who continues competing in some events.



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