Volcano Triathlon

FINISHER: Closure of the pioneering magazine in Spain in the world of Triathlon

The Finisher magazine, which began its journey 16 years ago in the world of Triathlon, closes.



A sad news without a doubt for the fans of this sport, which month after month we enjoyed with its spectacular covers and contents. From Triathlon News we regret its closure and we wish the best to the great professionals and great people who worked, especially to Jesús Flores and Dani Márquez who for more than 15 years have not failed a month to keep us informed of the current triathlon.


Communication from the web:


Cancellation of the edition of Finisher Triathlon and closure of the magazine

Dear subscribers and readers of Finisher Triathlon,
Since this month of August, and as a result of the economic imbalance that we have been suffering for some time due to the decrease in sales and the delay or non-payment of the commitments assumed by some of our customers, the editorial management has taken the determination of suspend and cancel the production of the magazine and start the process of liquidation and closing of the publisher.
After sixteen years of struggle to get an editorial project worthy of triathlon, and help grow a young sport with values ​​that no other sports activity transmits, we have not been able to achieve that goal and we see ourselves in the difficult and sad situation of having to abandon it and close the magazine.
It is a tough moment for all of us who have been part of Finisher Triathlon, and certainly for all those who have faithfully, and for years, helped us with your support either as readers / subscribers, or as customers / advertisers. With your bet you provided this project was kept alive and that this magazine has managed to survive so many years independently.
Thank you very much for everything you have given us. And many thanks to the triathlon for all the good times that it has allowed us to enjoy and for all the experiences lived and shared.
A hug for everyone ... Long live triathlon!



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