Volcano Triathlon

I FREE Clinic 3 Style Triathlon

Are you passionate about triathlon? Do you love training? Do you want to learn new things to help you improve? Do you want the best advice from our experts? Come to our first free Clinic and share trainings, experiences, experiences, doubts, tricks and secrets with Jose Almagro Valero, Arrate Mintegui and the rest of the triathletes who will spend the day with you doing what we like the most, TRIATLON.

The Clinic is aimed at all older triathlon enthusiasts of 15 years, all those who want to learn and enjoy training and especially those who want to share a wonderful day with other triathletes.


09: 00 Meeting and presentation of triathletes in the parking lot of Bodyfactory Prado

Somosaguas, Calle Solano nº3, Pozuelo. (All dressed as cyclists)

09:30 Departure in bike. 2-hour shoot with two groups depending on the level.

1 Group, Initiation level - medium: Monitors: Arrate and David. Correct use of

developments, wheel coupling technique and different positions on the bicycle.

2 Group, Advanced level: Monitor: Jose. Drawing of curves, relays and fans.

11: 30-11: 45 Shower

11: 45 Talk Alberto Sacristán, Bachelor of Medicine

Body composition in the sports field

Modification of body composition with training

Definition of the different components of body composition as a percentage of

fat, lean mass, percentage of water, body mass index.

12: 15 Chat Marta Alegre, licensed in Physiotherapy. "Benefits of unloading massages."

12: 30-12: 45 Break, product division Keepgoing to regain strength

12: 45-14: 00 Race on foot. Filming and technical exercises with possibility for those who want it

test slippers Karhu.

14: 00-14: 15 Stretching session.

14: 15-15: 30 Shower + Food

15: 30-16: 00 Talk about 3 Style Triathlon, concepts, values ​​and training methods by

Arrate Mintegui

16: 00-17: 00 Talk of cycling training adapted to triathlon and bicycle mechanics

by Jose Almagro.

17: 00 Sharing, round table, questions.

18: 00 Swimming training with Omar Tayara, Olympic triathlete in Beijing and possibility of

test neoprene Huub.

19: 30 Farewell, thanks and closing


Free (optional menu in the cafeteria of Body Factory Prado de Somosaguas by

10 € / person)


: Send personal data (name, surnames, age, number of

telephone number, t-shirt size, foot size and contact information) to [email protected]

before Monday December 17 (registrations between the 17 and the 22 of December 15 €). The fact

the sending of the registration e-mail with the data implies the acceptance and commitment of the

participation in the Clinic.

More information:

www.3styletriatlon.wix.com/3style or in the 696 993 953

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