The paralympic cyclist Joseba Larrinaga is killed
![image of the start of a triathlon test](
Joseba Larrinaga, silver medal at the Atlanta 96 Paralympic Games, was atropellado yesterday when I was walking by bike in the municipality of Aramaiona. The cyclist lived in Aretxabaleta and in those moments he had left to ride a bike, but he was overwhelmed by a tourist who hit him head on.
The accident took place at around 18:00 p.m. in the Álava municipality of Aramaio, on the A-2620 highway. At that time and for reasons yet to be determined, the driver of a car who was overtaking another vehicle ran over a man who was traveling in bike.
As a result of the accident, the cyclist has died practically in the act, nothing could do for his life the assistance teams displaced to the place of the event, among them, the helicopter of Osakidetza whose medical team has confirmed the death of the cyclist.
The Ertzaintza has given course to the corresponding investigation with the purpose of clarifying the circumstances that have originated so tragic accident.