The 1 of January of 2015 will come into force the new world anti-doping code
The World Anti-Doping Agency has made public the new code that will begin to be applied in the 2015.
This new code has been the result of extensive consultation with stakeholders over a period of almost two years, in order to complete a full review of the current World Anti-Doping Code and various related international standards.
The adoption of the revised Code occurred at the meeting of the Board of the AMA Foundation during the World Conference on Doping in Sport, organized in Johannesburg, South Africa, 12 at 15 nov 2013.
You can check the new code in the following links:
- »World Anti-Doping Code 2015 - Final
- »World Anti-Doping Code 2015 - Final version redlined to 2009 Code
- »Significant Changes Between the 2009 Code and the 2015 Code, 4.0 Version