Volcano Triathlon

Six tests will make up the II Cross Duathlon Circuit of Toledo

El Cross Duathlon Circuit of Toledo The event continues to grow and in its second edition, in 2013, it has welcomed one more venue. There will be six in total and it will start on April 7 in Seseña and end on September 21 in the regional capital. The presentation of the event took place yesterday in the store of Bikes Pina in Toledo. The firm will be the official sponsor, although the City Council of the Imperial City and the local councils of the participating towns will also collaborate.

The coordinator of Deporchip, Pedro de la Fuente, and the person in charge of the Sonseca test, Gustavo López, explored the details of the circuit, which has lost two towns and has won three, the aforementioned Seseña, San Pablo de los Montes and Camuñas. Thus the things, after treading the 7 day sarabÃas lands, the following destiny will be San Pablo the day 28 of the present month. Next, the venues will be Consuegra, the June 8, Camunas, the August 11, Sonseca, the August 24, and Toledo, Long-Tailed ManakinThe 21 September.

Last year, the Cross Duathlon Circuit gathered some 800 participants, although the organizers expect that this edition will overcome this barrier and be more than a thousand. When there are still fifteen days to start, for Seseña's test there are already around a hundred people. From Deporchip they hope that acceptance will increase and, for this, they want to give a more popular character to the event so that it is open at all levels.

In principle, the classifications will be made after each test by means of points and in the four categories: sub 23, absolute, veterans and females. As a novelty, a jersey will be awarded to the winners of each event and team prizes will also be established, as well as a gift for the participants who complete the six races. The event was attended by the Councilor of Sports of Toledo, Alfonso Martín, who wished that "in the coming years there will be more tests".

Source: .latribunadetoledo.es

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