Volcano Triathlon

Setas de Sevilla and Half triatlón de Sevilla sign a collaboration agreement

After considering the best of the places to offer a unique place for the carbohydrate meal that the I HALF TRIATHLON OF SEVILLE will offer, the organization has reached an agreement with SETAS DE SEVILLA so that we receive such food.



This place was inaugurated in 2011, and until now it has hosted great events, including ours. It is a site already emblematic of Seville, where on its highest peak you can see the best views of Seville. Currently it is a gazebo, restoration areas, stores or with a museum antiquarium. It is located in the heart of Seville, and its website is www.setasdesevilla.com .


The food will be in the Plaza Mayor de las Setas, space of 3600 square meters closed exclusively for athletes. Access is exclusive for participants to our test and companions who have confirmed their attendance. Access hours will be from 14:45 p.m. to 15:15 p.m., and lunch will be from 16:30 p.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.


In this space apart from the hydrate food, we will have stands of commercial houses for those last-minute forgettings that always pass us before important tests, and belly dance and batucada shows.


More information: http://www.triatlondesevilla.com/half/

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