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ALL DAY ENERGY from Victory Endurance, vitamins + minerals + antioxidants

Victory Endurance, lets us know ALL DAY ENERGY, product that has 12 vitamins, 9 minerals and antioxidants that come from Green Tea. Increase resistance and ensure all daily needs.


ALL DAY ENERGY It has been developed with the intention of providing energy and covering all the needs of vitamins and minerals that athletes need. In addition to include antioxidants exerts a very important protective function for athletes, since in them there is a greater "oxidative stress"Due to training and competitions.


Both vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients. Therefore, supplementation in athletes becomes essential, since their caloric (energy) needs are greater and therefore intakes in vitamins and minerals are also, because, for example, lose more minerals with sweating; also due to physical exertion the metabolic requirements are greater and therefore those of vitamins are also. In addition, ALL DAY ENERGY, exerts an important antioxidant protection, because vitamins A, C, E, the mineral Selenium and EGCG, from green tea, act as powerful antioxidants.

But WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF ANTIOXIDANTS? so as to avoid the damage that can be produced by free radicals that are formed during intense exercise. These damages turn into pain and swelling sensation for the muscle, also slow down the recovery of glycogen, can cause DNA damage, decrease aerobic capacity and, therefore, decrease muscle performance.

- The Minerals They have regulatory functions and are part of the structure of many tissues: they constitute bones and teeth, they control body fluids, they are part of enzymes and hormones that are involved in metabolism and some are antioxidants.

- The Vitamins they are of great importance for the maintenance of health, since their lack causes diseases. In addition, they are fundamental for athletes because they are involved in energy metabolism and, as we have said, some of them are powerful antioxidants (A, C, and E)

For all this, ALL DAY ENERGY, it assures us all the daily energy and avoids the deficiency in some of these critical nutrients, besides helping to maintain an adequate nutrition.

More info on: http://www.victoryendurance.com/Productos/tabid/82/V/View/P/10/Victory-Endurance-ALL-DAY-ENERGY.aspx

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