Volcano Triathlon
Articles Sports equipment

Lack of time or bad weather to complete your workouts ?: COMPEX YOUR BEST ALLIANCE

Improve your performance with the Aerobic Resistance program


Compex Wireless it is an ideal complement in the preparation for runners who train three times a week and wish to improve their aerobic endurance (triathlon, cycling, trail, half marathon, marathon)



In the previous article we explain how to use the program  active recovery that has the Compex Wireless, to recover before a prolonged effort. This time we are going to analyze how to improve our performance with the Aerobic Resistance program that is indicated for all that athlete who for lack of time or adverse weather can not meet their pre-set workouts.


What this program is looking for is the improvement of the muscular capacity to consume oxygen, so in sports with high aerobic resistance such as triathlon, it is an improvement in performance



"The electrostimulation applied to the sport is a perfect complement of the habitual training since it allows a localized muscular work without psychic fatigue and without joint discomfort"


Aerobic Resistance from Compex Wireless is designed for athletes who want to improve their performance in long-term sports events


Long-term efforts such as triathlon make the aerobic metabolism work, whose determining factor is the amount of oxygen consumed by the musculature.


So, if you want to improve aerobic endurance, you have to maximize the oxygen uptake of the muscles that work in this type of effort.


As we know oxygen is transported through the blood, so it is essential to have a good cardiovascular system, which is obtained through a specific voluntary training. However, the ability of the muscle to consume the oxygen that reaches it (oxidative capacity) can also be improved with a specific work regime.


The Compex Aerobic Resistance program applied to the quadriceps involves a significant increase in oxygen consumption by the muscles.


Accumulating kilometers of training is essential to progress in long-term races. However, training this type of test requires time that many times we do not have in addition to the stress that this type of training supposes for tendons and joints.



The integration of Compex electrostimulation in triathlete training offers a solution to the lack of training times.



El Aerobic endurance program whose effects are to improve the ability of the muscles to consume oxygen, and the Capillarization program (discussed later), which causes the development of the blood capillaries of the musculature, allows improving aerobic endurance, while reducing mileage weekly and, thereby, also reduce the risk of injury.


More information about COMPEX in your web page


Before purchasing your COMPEX, we recommend that you verify that it is indeed beneficial for you:



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