ISO ENERGY, the isotonic bed of Victory Endurance
Our collaborator Victory Endurance, this time wants to tell us the benefits of ISO ENERGY, Advanced formula to increase endurance during exercise. Fast energy and hydration.
Lisotonic drinks are usually the first product with certain "supplementation"(So to speak) that we tested all athletes. Why? Because it is the most frequently used, most commonmentioned and easier to access.
However, I think that sometimes we mislead some concepts and consider that all the colored drinks that we find in the "supplementation" or "healthy life" zone of any large warehouse is an isotonic drink. And this is not true.
The main function of a isotonic drink is to facilitate our re-hydration. To do this, it must favor the absorption of water, which is why the concentration of carbohydrates does not exceed 10%. It must also carry certain elements that reduce osmolarity and improve the absorption of water: sodium, maltodextrin, glutamine, alanine ... are some examples.
ISO ENERGY It is a drink that we can drink during and after training. This is mainly due to the fact that it contains in its composition a mixture of simple carbohydrates (those of rapid assimilation) and complex carbohydrates (which are assimilated more slowly).
That is to say, with the simple hydrates we replenish the reserves that we have exhausted and the complex ones allow us to continue training, since the being of slow assimilation lasts us more time as a reserve.
Another of the main components that ISO ENERGY carries is the famous one: L-Glutamine. The one we've heard so much about. It is aminoacid very involved in the repair of muscle tissue, that we're going loading with the exercise, it also helps us to clean the ammonia that we are generating with the exercise.
Also owns Vitamin C: which is a powerful antirust that favors the elimination of free radicals and involved in the synthesis of collagen. All this helps us to better recover damaged tissues.
And let's not forget the electrolytes, which is why it is an isotonic drink:
-Football, important because our body needs calcium to help muscles and blood vessels contract and relax, to secrete hormones and enzymes and send messages through the nervous system.
-Potassium is involved in the muscle contraction and the regulation of neuromuscular activity, by participating in the transmission of the nerve impulse through the action potentials of the human organism. Promotes muscle development, avoiding the catabolism of them after resistance training.
-Magnesium plays a very important role in the activity of many coenzymes and in reactions that depend on ATP. It also exerts a structural role, since the Mg ion2+ has a stabilizing function of the chain structure of DNA y RNA. Involved in the formation of neurotransmitters y neuromodulators, repolarization of the neurons, muscle relaxation (its action being very important in the heart muscle).
-Sodium: it is an essential element that the body uses to control blood pressure and blood volume. It also intervenes in the processes of muscle contraction and in the transmission of the nerve impulse
These drinks usually incorporate other elements that we tend to eliminate with sweating and that way, we replace immediately: magnesium, calcium ....
Isotonic drinks are not absolutely essential in sports activities of less than an hour, from which we easily recover with water and the next meal. But the thing changes after long-term activities and especially in summer
More information at ISO ENERGY
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