The best sports glasses for triathlon

Choosing the right lens can be decisive during sports practice

Our collaborator Visiorama Sport in this article makes us a comparison of the best glasses for triathlon

In this article David Calderón will present us with a list of the best technical lenses for triathlon (except swimming, for which I am preparing another specific post).

We have reviewed the main brands on the market and their best specific Triathlon products based on 2 weather assumptions, with a lot of light (sunny) and little light or variable visibility (cloudy, variable)


Nike MAX Speed ​​Tint lenses are designed for runners who have to deal with sunlight as the "raw" light that reflects off the asphalt, these lenses reduce eye fatigue in the face of harmful high frequency light.

It has a slight reddish tone and a transparency of 17% (tone C)

For those who love photochromic lenses, good news, Nike also has this lens in the photochromic version, the Nike MAX Transitions Speed ​​lens that changes from 87% transparency to 50% (BC tone) depending on the surrounding light.

If you want polarized you have Nike MAX Brown and Nike MAX Gray Polarized both with 17% transparency.

For cloudy days or with poor visibility I recommend the Nike MAX Clear lenses (92% transparency tone A), the Nike MAX Orange Blaze (53% transparency tone B) and the Nike MAX Hi-Vis Tint (yellow 31% of transparency, tone B).

Rudy Project

Lenses Impactx Photochromic Multilaser Racing Red, brutal lenses against impacts, guaranteed for life against breakage, photochromic with a slight mirroring and slight red hue that helps a lot on the road against eye fatigue and reflections. It darkens from tone 1 to tone 3 according to the solar intensity.

For those who seek perfection and love the photochromic and the polarized, I recommend the Impactx Polarized Photochromic Brown or Gray, lifetime, polarized and photochromic breakage guarantee (can you order something more from a lens?) 2 / 3 filter category

And finally for low light conditions I recommend the Impactx Photochromic Clear Transparent Gray, lens that in rest is almost absolutely transparent and darkens to 3 filter according to the solar intensity.


Lenses LST Vario, with light stabilizer, is a special photochromic lens for variable light conditions that reaches 2 category when it is at rest and when it is activated with the sun it reaches the 3 category.

Lenses LST Polarized Silver , also with light stabilizer, polarized and with a slight mirror that reduces eye fatigue, they are fixed tone and 3 category.

For bad visibility I recommend the Space Lens Yellow that improves vision with haze and diffuse light and have illuminating effect with a yellow tone of 13% and Space Lens Clear, absolutely transparent (7%), I recommend it for night use.


In Oakley, the mythical Red Iridium Polarized and almost the words ... Plutonite lens mirrored in reddish tint, polarized and called by many triathletes and cyclists "the lens with air conditioning" by the decrease in the thermal sensation that it produces in the eyes. A lot of lens ... .. I recommend it for very sunny days and very hot.

Finally for days of variable luminosity I recommend the Photochromic Clear Black Iridium, also Plutonite material, at rest it is practically transparent (10%) and darkens to an 3 level when activated by sunlight.

I hope this short summary has been useful, I remind you that there are many more lenses of each signature, but from my opinion and experience, these are the most representative and the best feedback I get from my clients.

Finally, remember that the 3 functions of an ultra technical lens are:

  • Protect your eyes against UVA, UVB and harmful blue light
  • Protect your eyes against impacts, falls, balls, insects, tree branches ...
  • Improve the visual performance of the athlete by choosing the correct lens and glasses.

And most of them can graduate!

Any questions or queries

David Calderón Rodriguez

collegiate 8017

Photo: ITU /

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