Volcano Triathlon
Articles Sports equipment

MAX'SSYSTEM with JULIAN SANZ Ultrafondo World Champion and 4th in the RAAM

The brand of cycling components MAX'SSYSTEM, sponsor of great triathletes as they are Mikel Blanchard, Victor del Corral o Raúl Amatarían among others, has also opted for the athlete of ultra-fund Julián Sanz, providing you with components for your bike that allow you to achieve all the challenges you set for yourself.


Julián Saz has concluded a brilliant season, finishing 4º in the Race Across America (4.900Km in 10 days 4horas 39min) and an 2º placed in the 24h from Le Mans traveling a distance of 799Km by bike.


In a specialty where the position on the bike is taken care of to the extreme, the choice of a coupling that helps to adopt a suitable position is very important for long competitions, for this reason Julián has chosen to use the material from Maxssytem, ​​due to its quality in the material (quality of screws) and design (possibilities of adaptation to different positions) based on the coupling of this brand Maxssystem "STT” AERO Double curve.


JULIAN SANZ Ultrafondo World Champion

During the Race Across America, the coupling has been a basic accessory to successfully complete this 4.900 km. Thanks to it, the athlete can bring their back to its correct position and thus avoid overloads in the cervical and lumbar areas, as well as the possibility of adjustments in measurements to unload the hands and thus delay fatigue and inflammation of them.

These accessories have been consolidated as a great design success by Maxssystem. Julian Sanz has tried for more than 10 days the same and during 4900 Km confirming in this way the guarantee of product quality.


More information about Max'ssystem

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