Victory Endurance presents its new product KRILL, the best source of OMEGA (EPA / DHA)

The Krill is a small marine crustacean similar to shrimp but only 2,5 cm and 2 g. of weight
Our collaborator in sports nutrition Victory Endurance just presented a new product KRILL , being the best and most effective way to take omega-3 (EPA / DHA mainly), omega-6, omega-9, phospholipids and antioxidants.
The Krill is a small crustacean marine similar to shrimp but only 2,5 cm and 2 g. of weight. It feeds on phytoplankton, hence its richness in fatty acids, phospholipids and antioxidants.
There is a lot of scientific evidence that confirms the benefits of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 type, mainly from EPA and the DHA.
But we want to highlight the benefits that can be obtained in the SALUD OF THE JOINTS: Chronic inflamation y Arthritis: the studies mark incredible improvements with low doses and in only 1 week, both in the indexes of inflammation and in the reduction of the index WOMAC (indicator of pain, stiffness and functional capacity or flexibility).
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