This website tells you the longest road in a kilometer from your house

Since yesterday, May 2, the entire Spanish territory has been allowed sport practice and take walks in the fresh air for the population.

Sports practice is limited by time slots and the municipality where you reside, so in this article we help you to know how can you know the limits how far can you go

As for the walks that can be taken with children and accompanied by a person with whom they live, the limitation is 1 kilometer around the house

The web calculates the longest walk from your home at 1 square kilometer

On this website, you can see which is the longest walk that can be taken within these limits

The website is in French, but it can be translated directly into Spanish if you have the Google Chrome automatic translator or another browser

Select the area where you reside

As the website is French, by default the map is focused on France, but only by moving with the mouse you can go to France country

To zoom, you will have to use the mouse wheel or enlarge the image from the Smartine

Once you have found where you live, tap the screen and you will be delimited 1 square km from that location. area where you reside area where you reside

In order to see the maximum path you can take from that point, you have to go to the floating menu on the left of the screen and click on the footprints that we have marked on the image

And it will automatically calculate the longest route that can be done from your home. IN this case you can do on your walks. In this case there is a distance of 9,5 km longest route from area where you reside longest route from area where you reside

There are no previous results.

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