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Compex bets on the Barcelona club Fasttriatlon

Compex, brand of DJO Global, world leader in electrostimulation, in its eagerness to bet on the sport, will collaborate with Fasttriatlon, a club in Barcelona that has hundreds of amateur and professional triathletes who share the same passion: triathlon. 


Founded in 2010 by a group of triathlon-loving friends, Fasttriatlon was born with the vocation to unite the world of the popular triathlete and the professional triathlete and with the aim of promoting values ​​such as camaraderie, passion for sports and solidarity. It also works to promote triathlon among school sports, the disabled and women, three sectors that are experiencing exponential growth in recent years.

The collaboration agreement between Fasttriatlon and Compex will allow triathletes to benefit from the advantages of electrostimulation when it comes to training, preventing injuries or recovering after a competition or a hard day's work. For this, the brand of DJO Global will organize clinics and courses so that both the athletes and the coaches of the club of Barcelona can make the most of the electrostimulation

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