Volcano Triathlon

Forerunner 610

The best friend of the runners and related athletes is his watch. While they train they can control the total and partial times, and according to which models more oriented to the sports world, to control their heart rate or the number of steps they have taken.

Garmin, one of the world leaders in common navigation systems, had already covered the backs of these athletes with wrist devices Forerunner 110 y 210, sports watches with a GPS unit that allow you to keep a record of the routes traveled, the time spent. The Forerunner 610 it is an evolution of these first models, more sophisticated, fast and efficient. You can take note of the rhythm, speed, distance traveled, and with the optional cardiac sensor you can record and monitor the heart rate, and warn the user if it is triggered or excessively low by vibratory alerts, very useful for those who run with the headphones on and U2 at high speed

The watch is also characterized by its touch screen, resistant to adverse weather conditions, with which it is much easier to interact with the unit, which incorporates many more options than its two predecessors. With this new interface you can access much faster all new features, such as Virtual Racer, a log of your best times that you can program and try to beat with information on screen in real time. It also incorporates the function "Navigate back to the beginning" that stores the route we have followed to be able to return to the beginning of the same route without losing, through a digital compass on screen, operated by the GPS receiver incorporated in the clock itself.

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Fully customizable, the Garmin Forerunner 610 has many types of training programs and allows you to upload the information obtained from the sessions to a computer wirelessly automatically when the watch is close to the computer, to analyze it later on. Garmin Connect. In short, this is a great device for all those sports enthusiasts who train on a daily basis and like to maintain control over all the details of their sessions.

Worth it?

When I start thinking about this device I have a question: Why spend a lot on a watch, when we already have similar tools within our reach? A smartphone is something that many people own, and mostly incorporate GPS antenna and software, accurate enough to mark a route and follow it without problems. In addition, these devices can download useful applications for this type of activity, such as Google MyTracks, or Nike +, which allow to record many data related to our training sessions. I am sure that this wristwatch has its audience, and the advantages in terms of weight, size and simplicity of operation are a plus for those who go out to train with light clothing and prefer not to carry a heavy block tied to their body, but those who, on the contrary, like me, go out only once in a while to run, possibly will settle for the most economical solution.

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