Triadvice by José Miguel Pérez "Josemi"
Name: José Miguel Pérez Martínez
Club: Hoces de Cuenca Triathlon
Web / Blog: www
Most representative results: JJ.OO London 2012, 6º Cto. Del Mundo Sub23 triathlon, 4º Cto. From Europe Sub23 Triathlon, 3º Cto. Of the World Sub23 Duathlon, 12º WCHS Austria, 13º WCHS Sydney, 2º World Cup of South Korea, 4º World Cup Mexico.
3 tips to train better:
- Organize your schedules well
- Carry good planning
- That the training is never a burden for your life, enjoy and serve to load pillar.
3 things you should never forget to take the day of the test:
- Adequate supplementation and hodratation for the test
- The necessary material for her (you would not be the first to leave something, I say it from experience)
- And the desire !!!!! That it is not the first time or you are the first one that you hear the phrase: "Bufff that few desire I have today to compete".
3 things that you should not forget to do during the competition:
- Drink and eat
- Be aware of your possibilities and read the race well
- Give everything and enjoy at all times !!!!
3 tips that always have to be done at the end of the competition:
- Do a small taxi on a bike or running at low intensity,
- Hydrate and eat well the next hour and a half of competition
- Try to rest well that night so that the body recovers.
Tell us a curious anecdote that happened to you:
Well, when I was a junior I went to the Pálmaces triathlon, I got out of the water first and when we arrived at kilometer 10, the Civil Guard stopped the test by a fire on the road to 2km from there. In the end, swimming and running times were added and I won, and there were big craks like Felix Martinez who bothered them a lot, hehehehehehehehehehe.
Objectives 2012-2013:
Keep improving and try to play the World Cup to make a good position, it will be a relaxed year for everyone after 3 hard and crazy years for the Olympic Games.
Further information:
Networks (FB / TW): TW: Josemi Perez Martinez, @josemiperez
Web / Blog: